Dr. Lankapalli Bullayya College

Metric No DVV Comments File No File Description View

1. HEI is requested to Kindly note that Grants given by their own trust / sister institutions not to be included. please relook and provide correct revised data. So please relook and provide correct revised data.

2.Please provide provide list of grants for research project received during the assessment year along with the nature of the award, and the awarding agency with amount. (sanctioned letter HIGHLIGHTING the required parts).

3. Kindly provide Audit statement/ utilization certificates and HIGHLIGHT the amount grant of it.

4. Kindly provide any other relevant data or documents related in this metrics (if available).


1. HEI is requested to kindly provide any other relevant data or documents related in this metrics (if available). Note:- Kindly note that all the Attached documents should be duly Endorsed by the Head of the Institute.

3.2.2(1) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2022-23 View
3.2.2(2) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2021-22 View
3.2.2(3) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2020-21 View
3.2.2(4) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2019-20 View
3.2.2(5) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2018-19 View

1. HEI is requested to provide data for all the five years in the data template, in this metric. As data for only 2022-2023 years is provided. So please relook and provide correct revised data.

2. kindly note that calendar year should be considered in this metric, as paper published in year 2018 should comes under 2018-19 so on and paper in 2023 comes under 2023-24, Please check and provide correct revise data for all years.

3.Kindly note that Publication in the current UGC CARE with ISSN only will be considered so, Please check and provide correct revise data.

4.Kindly provide required data in data template, As Incomplete Entries should not be considered.

5.Kindly provide the link for paper landing and journal website.

6.Kindly provide year wise screenshots of each research articles clearly showing the title of the article, affiliation, name of the journal, year and authors name. If the links and DOI number are not available. Not: If details given are not complete with the links/ screenshot, the respective publication will not be considered.

3.3.1(1) Modified data template View
3.3.1(2) Screenshots of research articles View

1.HEI is requested to please provide data calendar year wise as HEI has provided data academic year wise in the data template which is incorrect so please provide data accordingly.

2.Kindly note that For the metrics related to publication calendar year is to be considered for example:- Paper published in 2018 should comes under 2018-19 and so on. so please check and provide correct data at both the place in HEI input and in the template.

3. kindly note that Multiple counting of same publication with same author or different author in the same calendar year should be counting as one, Please check and provide correct revise data.

4.Kindly provide required data in data template, As Incomplete Entries should not be considered.

5. Kindly note that Publications with ISBN number only would be considered. So please relook and provide correct revised data.

6. Kindly provide In ENGLISH version all copies of Cover page, content page and first page of the selected publication.

7. Kindly provide Web-link of books.

8. Kindly provide any other relevant data or documents related in this metrics (if available). Note:- Kindly note that all the Attached documents should be duly Endorsed by the Head of the Institute.

3.3.2(1) Data template by including Weblink View
3.3.2(2) e-copies of first page, content page and participation of conferences during the assessment period View

1.HEI is requested to kindly note that only Extension and Outreach program only to be considered in this metric, As Imparting awareness on generic themes should not be considered, Please relook and provide correct revise data. FOLLOWING should not be considered:- World Environment Day, Blood Donation, World Aids Day, Global Recycling Day, National Voters Day, World Eye Sight Day, World Aids Day etc.,

2.Please provide detailed report of for each extension and outreach program with specific mention of number of students participated and collaborating agency as per revise and as per academic session wise.

3. Please provide Geo tagged Photographs with proper CAPTIONS and DATES and any other supporting document of relevance.

4. Kindly provide any other relevant data or documents related in this metrics (if available). Note:- Kindly note that all the attached documents should be duly Endorsed by the head of the Institute.

3.4.3(1) Documents related to Extension activities organized during the A.Y.2022-23 View
3.4.3(2) Documents related to Extension activities organized during the A.Y.2021-22 View
3.4.3(3) Documents related to Extension activities organized during the A.Y.2020-21 View
3.4.3(4) Documents related to Extension activities organized during the A.Y.2019-20 View
3.4.3(5) Documents related to Extension activities organized during the A.Y.2018-19 View

1. HEI is requested to kindly provide any other relevant data or documents related in this metrics (if available) Note:- Kindly note that all the Attached document should be duly Endorsed by the Head of the Institute.

3.5.1(1) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2022-23 View
3.5.1(2) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2021-22 View
3.5.1(3) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2020-21 View
3.5.1(4) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2019-20 View
3.5.1(5) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2018-19 View